Thursday, October 8, 2009

Management Tips - #1 - Develop the Leadership Edge

One of the things I love about blogging is valuable information can be delivered in a short format like my Management-in-Minutes portable learning resource for busy professionals. The lessons are in small bites....(I call it "lazer, high-impact learning"). The duration is usually 2-4 minutes. Short can be high-impact and deliver significant value. To check this out, you can go this link to sample first hand: Sample Lessons

With that in mind, I will posting what I call Management Power Tips and Professional Power tips (e.g. time management, productivity..etc.) in a variety of series.  All of the tips posted are pieces of the coaching and management training seminars I conduct, as well as from my professional seminars. If the content of any of the tips appeals to you and you're in a position to bring someone into your organization or refer, you may want to consider one of my training seminars.  To find out more about that, you can do directly to my website:

One final note, many of the tips will conclude with the Action Prompt - this is the coaching component.  Keep in's not so much what you know, but what you do with what you know that really counts.

Here’s a quality greatly overlooked and yet sorely needed in the workplace! This quality is sure to give you the leadership edge.

Be Inspiring! I love this word. Inspiring someone or a group of people is special in that inspiration touches many parts of a person and like our previous power tip… you don’t need an official leadership title to be this way. 

Consider this:
When someone is inspired their vision or how they see things is impacted, changing the way someone sees something removes blocks that might have impeded them from taking action up until that point.

Inspiration typically involves an expression of energy and that’s contagious! Don’t you feel more energized when you’re around an energized person?

Finally, and I think of significant importance, inspiration touches the spirit!  The human spirit, I believe, is at the heart of a person’s motivation.  Infuse a person’s spirit with inspiration and every part of them is engaged to move toward the outcome.

You as a team member or manager can get so much mileage out of the quality of being inspiring.  It’s magnetic, memorable and a quality worth cultivating!

Action: Take some time to think about this and consider how to practically add inspiration into how you interact with others as well as how to infuse it into your team culture.
Posted by: JoAnn Corley, Management Coach & Advisor

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