Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Reality of Current Employment Presents Updated Job Search Strategies

When you’re hit everyday with continuing news of the employment challenges, it can almost feel as if no one is getting re-employed after a layoff.
The truth is, according a recent article posted at Career Builders, that one half of those unemployed have in fact been employed again. I thought to myself wow!
Of important note in this article are the tactics and strategies undertaken to help make that happen. Here's where you can get job search advice and career management advice all rolled into one?
If you are still unemployed, it may be worth considering anyone of these. For some of us, it really will mean a significant change.
Changes in Pay – in this category one might think everyone took a pay cut…oh not so. Some did – but some received offers comparable and some even higher.
Transferring Skills to Other Industries - this is an essential component of a job search. Many people confuse industry and job title and lump them together. In fact they are very separate. You can be an accountant in many different industries. In fact, every industry needs an accountant! That fact alone opens up endless possibilities.
Relocation - 
Ever thought about moving?…well now might be the time. Many workers had to do just that to get a job. 1 in 5 found jobs in a new city or state.
Starting a Business – for some there has been for a while a nagging sense or little small voice saying, “I’d like to start my own business.” That’s what re-employment looked for some. Those considering that option, according to this article 3 in 10.
Altering Appearance – what that mean for you?...how far would you go? Among the options considered or done: lost weight, changed hair color or style, dressed to look younger, teeth whitened, enhanced makeup….is it time for a make over?
Whether it’s these or others…one thing for sure, getting creative, taking continued action and maintaining a focused sense of confidence is key!
If you feel you need some personalized help, you can learn more about career coaching at the link provided.
To access the entire article go to: http://www.theworkbuzz.com/job-search/q2-jobs/
To your success!
JoAnn Corley, Management Advisor & Coach

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