Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Best Buy Scores - A Brilliant Brand Management Idea

Best Buy has initiated an idea that I suspect will be long on return on investment in multiple ways from brand management, to employee motivation, building company culture, and I'm sure you can think of more.

As if they don't have a significant corner of the market already, they will up their brand awareness with a clever campaign to find the best carolers from their employee ranks for commercials this holiday season, conducting their search from coast to coast. They are filming all the stages of the search, turning them into episodes, and posting them on Youtube for all to see.

I'm thinking will Best Buy be a happier place to visit while holiday shopping? My experience with them is they in general are pretty friendly and helpful. Let's imagine the vibe when you go in now as they combine their holiday promotions with boasting employee morale, making their employees the stars of the show this holiday season.

I wanted to blog about this to springboard ideas from this idea in these areas: increasing brand awareness, brand perception, boosting employee morale, employee motivation, nurturing a fun company culture, and with all that contemplating how the bottom line might be impacted.

I hope the powers that be will be tracking the results of this initiative and I can't help but think that it might drive more buyers into the store this season. We'll see.

Here is Episode #1 (it's fun to watch and does have a bit of an American Idol feel to it). There are more episodes posted.

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