In My Portfolio....'ll find the top requested employee training and development topics in 2010 going into 2011. The content is timely and relevant. What are they?
Emotional Intelligence, Creative & Innovative Thinking, Time & Organizational Management, Stress Management, and Collaboration & Communication for Team Productivity.
E.Q. and You - The Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence
This hands down, is one of the most important topics to bring to your organization. If you need tangible reasons why, consider the following from the research, "A Business Case for Emotional Intelligence." Did you know that the level of emotional intelligence is the number one issue surrounding under performing, disruptive employees, and high performers?
"In jobs of medium complexity (sales clerks, mechanics), a top performer is 12 times
more productive than those at the bottom and 85 percent more productive than an
average performer. In the most complex jobs (insurance salespeople, account
managers), a top performer is 127 percent more productive than an average performer
(Hunter, Schmidt, & Judiesch, 1990). Competency research in over 200 companies
and organizations worldwide suggests that about one-third of this difference is due to
technical skill and cognitive ability while two-thirds is due to emotional competence
(Goleman, 1998). (In top leadership positions, over four-fifths of the difference is
due to emotional competence.) " For the complete report - click here
Below is a list of signature topics. I call my onsite workshops LAUNCH & Learns because we know that the learning just begins when you first hear the information; the training takes place when it's being purposefully applied - embedded into the everyday work experience. Consider a 1/2 day session. This could actually be of MORE value!
Each onsite client has the option of a full or 1/2 day session along coupled with e-coaching follow ups specific to the topic delivered.
Finally, an optional follow up individual or group coaching component is offered. The cost is determined based on the customized needs of the client.
Our philosophy? "Everyday is a training day", when employees are taught how to leverage their everyday work experience to learn and grow... and that part if free!
To contact for a book inquiry -