Saturday, October 10, 2009

Corporate Wellness and Safeway Grocery Stores

By: JoAnn Corley
On going component of the health care debate is the roll that employers play is promoting health within their populations.  A wonderful model of this is the grocery store Safeway, which President Obama has noted several times in recent speeches.

No matter your opinion regarding a company's participation in the health of their employees, Safeway has demonstrated value in doing so; value both in their both line through lower health insurance premiums, but also in the improved health of their employees.  

AS WE GO TO "PRESS": Safeway, Inc. with 1,775 grocery stores across the US and Canada just announced a new program to further reward employees for healthier behaviors. In the news today is its CEO Stephen Burd talking about their program, its rationality  and implications for healthcare reform. Watch his 16-minute video at:
Safeway's success might very well set the stage for a surge in employers to begin rewarding proper diet and nutrition, more than they already are, because their healthcare costs and workplace productivity will be directly affected by their workers poor choices. 

So here's a viable question: Will the ways in which you handle your own health impact your employment? Definitely worth thoughtful consideration.

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