Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Great Question For You

Can You Believe It's the End of the Year?
December 2009 E-coach - thought-filled challenges to stir and inspire for your professional success.

Working Wisdom
Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.” -Margaret Thatcher

Coaching Moment
Coaching Question – What is it that you really want?

The Power of Wanting
When you contemplate this question consider it carefully.
The question is not…
what should I want
what do I sort of want
what an I suppose to want
what do I REALLY want

Wanting is a powerful resource. Wanting is motivating, authentic; you don’t need help with it. It’s present and undeniable.

Ask this of yourself in all the contexts of your life that really matter and take the time to listen to yourself with no judgment. Give yourself permission to be brutally honest. Give yourself a moment for clear, resounding perfect truth. Make sure to capture it on paper.

The next question…what will you do with it? We’ll address that in 2010.

For now do this with yourself….use this with your team, giving it a context that you feel would be useful to your unique company / team situation. Allow answers with no judgment and see what surfaces.

Remember the power of wanting can address many personal and professional challenges.

How will you use yours and others?

Year–End Round Up
The end of the year typically lends itself to focused reflection and planning for the upcoming year. If this is not a personal practice, I highly encourage you to do so.

3 Recommendations…that can be used personally and professionally:

1. Professional Assessment - on a professional level I recommend you use as assessment resource I recently posted on my blog.
Assessment Tool - It re-frames the phrase strengths and weakness as assets and liabilities.

2. Ask yourself - What did I learn this year? Ask this of each team member...

3. Did I get – reach the outcomes I wanted – why and why not?

Many of us learn from, books, tapes, seminars etc. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from life and teach the people you lead and love to do so the same.

Final Thoughts....

It's been quite a year for me personally and professionally with many highs and lows. I am very grateful for my life, the wonderful experiences I've had, and the great people I've met along the way.

For those of you who have subscribed for quite a while, thank you. For those of you who are new, welcome!

My commitment?...to continue to pass on valuable information to enhance your personal and professional life; to contribute to your success however you define it. I count it a privilege to have been a part of your life.

Look for some exciting initiatives I'll be rolling out in 2010.

New Projects You Might Find of Interest
Tweet My Quote - I love quotes - here's a place to share yours - and where you can get "coached" with a quote
Bite-size Podcasting - Seminar in a Bite
My main site: www.joanncorley.com

To your happiness and success and to a great 2010!
Speaking & Training
Looking for a speaker in 2010 or bringing training to your company? I've recently added one of the most in demand topics Emotional Intelligence to my Topics Portfolio.

One attendee remarked, "Every person in every company should go through this."?

Another, "If I'd only known this stuff when I was younger, it would have made such a difference."

Career & Performance Coaching
Contemplating a job or career change? Consider coaching - click here to learn more
Need advice? Use the Work Life 911 page of my site

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