Saturday, October 16, 2010

Keep Your Professional Edge - Find Your 1%!

 The Power of 1%
In all the years that I’ve conducted seminars and workshops across the country, I’ve come to this conclusion: It’s not about how much you know or the volume of knowledge you possess. But - is what you know relevant and is that relevant knowledge being applied to gain meaningful, intended results? (By the way, you always get results; the question is, are these results what you really wanted)?

I’ve also learned that great, relevant knowledge can come in small packages.  It could be one quote or one principle that when applied can gain significant results.

Consider this brief story:
I recall an executive coaching client several years ago who was seen as ineffective in his new role as vice president.

In our initial meeting, one of the first items we discussed was what he considered to be the critical priorities that would substantially improve his effectiveness (mind you it wasn’t working more hours…he was working plenty).  We determined the most essential action was taking the time to plan.
You mean it was something as simple as applying one principle - taking the time to plan was the initial targeting solution? 

Believe it or not - yes! The simple act of planning his week and in that mapping in his schedule the most critical, non-negotiable actions that absolutely needed to happen to create meaningful results.
The result?...within just a few weeks his direct report saw a complete turn-around in his performance.

Awh….there’s the formula - one simple principle applied generated a significant, meaningful, intended result.
Therein lies the premise of this book.

I’ve taken many of my “small package” simple tips, principles, and how-tos and laid them out in a compact book format for your consideration.

This is a tool for targeted learning for busy professionals.  Targeted learning is intended to get at the meat or essence of something quickly…so it can be used just as quickly.

It comes in a portable handbook format or an expanded version which includes coaching questions and a place for notes:

Order handbook here - The 1% Edge - the handbook

Order workbook here - The 1% Edge - the Workbook

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